
Nordplus grants

Nordplus grants are allocated to DAMA annually each year. 2023/24 DAMA funding for mobility is 23 000 EUR.

Grant info

If you are a DAMA student and entitled for a Nordplus grant, please download and fill in the application form.
(Please download the form before trying to fill it in).
⁠Grant amounts:
Students from DAMA partner universities can apply for three types of student mobility:

* Student exchange in partner university for 1-12 months
* Express mobility: min 5 days
* Student placement in host organisation in Nordic-Baltic region for 1 week – 12 months


Express mobility grants: 250 EUR 1st week, 100 EUR 2nd week, 100 EUR 3rd week + travel grant, additional day: 20 EUR
1 month – 12 month mobility grants: 250 EUR month, additional week 70 EUR, additional day 20 EUR.

Travel grant:
330 EUR, 660 Iceland, 1300 Greenland, 175 domestic travel top-up (only, when related to travelling abroad)


– 5-week student mobility, the maximum rate is 250 € + 63 € = 313 € + travel grant
– 1-week (5–7 days) express mobility, the maximum rate is 250 € + travel grant

If you are a DAMA teacher and entitled for a Nordplus grant, please fill in the application form.
For teachers and administrative staff employed by DAMA institutions exchange mobility grants are available on the following conditions:
• length of exchange: minimum 8 hours of teaching/working
• scholarship: maximum 355 €/week + travel grant (330 EUR, 660 Iceland), daily rate 100 EUR.
